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a smile that stays. a laugh that last. ♥

Saturday, March 08, 2008

I don't know if it happens with ALL people who uses Photoshop/Fireworks. But, for me, once I start editing a picture, I won't stop until I am at least 50% satisfied with what I did.

This was what we did in class:

Disgustingly cramped with disorganized message. The audience won't know where to look. Font size is pathetically small. It bugged me the whole day!

So, I came home and did another one:
*lets out sigh of relief and satisfaction* Now, I am satisfied. And I posted this up on the discussion board as well. I don't care if half the class is going to be mad at me/my table. I am happy with my end product(:

Besides, I can't work with someone buzzing around me all the time. Autocratic is definitely not my style. But sadly, most of the main comm people in NBS are at least 65% autocratic and they are masters at delegation. sheesh. Good leadership, my ass!

Okay, off to do my Wealth Planning Report.

@ 1:09 AM |wished.hoped.waited.dashed.

Friday, March 07, 2008


Sorry for the capitalization. But it is the only way to translate how happy I am now *humongous grins* I mean, 70% of it IS my idea and effort(:

*dances around room and shouts, "A, A, A!*


*in a really small voice* back to my lessons (which I am not paying any attention to).

@ 1:56 PM |wished.hoped.waited.dashed.

My brain is malfunctioning tonight.

Resident Bitch is back but I am too tired to bitch. And I want to change my blogskin before I do the "cleaning closet" thing.

I will get deceiving lights in my bathroom for my house next time. No cruel lights that reveal how disgusting you look. I will have a room specially fixed with these cruel lights. And if I ever need the truth, I will just walk into that room and switch on the lights. I feel fat when i bathe. No thanks to the cruel light.

Looking at my nails, I realised that I need a new coat of nail polish. Peeling off like nobody's business.

Hair is frizzy because I didn't put the hair care thing and blow dry it.

Contact lens tomorrow? See how.

Nice to have a group mate who uses the same laptop as you. Why? We can share charger! Thanks, Zhanyi!(:

Bed. Before. Brain. Dies. And. I. Do. Stupid. Things.

@ 2:22 AM |wished.hoped.waited.dashed.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Resident Bitch have left the house. So the "cleaning out the closet" (ie bitching session) will be put on hold.

In her place is a combination of Docile Girl and Passive-Aggressive wannabe. Whatever that means.

Been dealing with my brother's poly application. I'm like the Q&A station. Don't know? Ask me. Not sure? Ask me. Gee*sarcastic* The HANDBOOK was sent to you for a reason? But, I don't really mind? Besides, my parents will worry less with the help I am giving him.

The sister will be filing tax for the first time this coming April. She's been working for 4 years and this is her first time. She's excited. Weird-.- BUT! She wants me to FILE IT FOR HER! *faints* When I told her, I will teach her, she said, " Ah Pa ask me to ask you to file for me cause you know all the reliefs!" I'm like o.O

My parents pamper my sister WAY too much? Maybe because with her laa-lee-laa attitude, they feel that they HAVE to? oh wells. ANYWAYS! The brother unit forbids me to help her file. Thank god! No one dares to oppose him (except me). So, with him on my side, I will most probably end up teaching and NOT doing it for the sister unit.

okok, enough crap. off to bed.

Till she comes back. Resident Bitch is much more fun(:

@ 3:16 AM |wished.hoped.waited.dashed.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

if you think this sentence/lyrics -

and it's alright if you're undecided, or if you're scared that you might like it, or if it's true:i ache for you

-is for you, about you. think again.

i just like the way it sounds.

get the message already. I. DONT. LIKE. YOU. ANYMORE. now, SCRAM!

@ 2:58 AM |wished.hoped.waited.dashed.

school. middies. s3 to canteen A to s4.

home. brainstorm with self. out.

walk from home to central. dental appointment. tightening of braces. keeping mouth open for 30 minutes.

back. helped in shop. market for dinner. sort out admin stuff from brother's poly enrollment.

rushed to bathe. fyp meeting. ab213. tuition preparation.

2 hours of sleep.

'nuff said. cleaning out the closet will have to wait.

@ 2:05 AM |wished.hoped.waited.dashed.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Excuse the lousy pose, the dead-fish expression and the messy hair. BF323 mid-terms were giving me nightmares last night and I ended up with only 1.5 hours of sleep. Naturally, I woke up late and didn't have time to dress for school-.-

ANYWAYS!! This was what I wore to school today. Totally casual, no?

But, when I came back home and climbed the stairs that leads from the bus-stop to my block, a group of construction guys (around late 20s to early 30s) at the coffee shop "zhut" each other to look at me.

URGH! And their eyes followed me (especially my legs) all the way till I disappeared into my dad's shop. I HATE IT!

I mean, what's there to look? My legs are totally un-attractive right now! And! I look like SHITE! Not that it's okay for them to stare at me when I am attractive (which I never am).

Okay, I am blabbering. I hate having coffee shops (there's 2!) under my block. Because it means, you get oggled at whenever you come home. Especially at night when the people there are drunk.

I would like to keep my legs and whatever parts to myself!! And maybe to those people who I want them to look. But, that's another story for another day.

Off for dental appointment! Please tell me I can remove them soon!!

@ 5:03 PM |wished.hoped.waited.dashed.

I'll be "cleaning the closet" tomorrow.

Topics that may be touched on:
- myspace.com (People I met there)
- my dark side
- my angel side
- giving chase
- dissing people who irritates me
- and more!

Can't think of much now. But I feel like I am going to implode soon. The smell in the air is not helping.


Post may be up on 4th March or 5th March around 1am.

@ 2:19 AM |wished.hoped.waited.dashed.